10 recipes of pumpkin seeds to treat prostatitis

Pumpkin seeds are commonly used in folk remedies to treat prostatitis.Pumpkin seeds for prostatitisThe particularity of the chemical composition of the product proves this concern. It should be noted that pumpkin seeds used to treat prostatitis are an auxiliary component of the treatment, but they cannot replace drugs.

Composition and useful attributes

The main value of pumpkin seeds lies in the oil they contain, so they should be consumed as raw food. The main components of the composition:

  • γ-, δ- and α-tocopherols (isomeric compounds that make up vitamin E) are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from external factors. Using the isomer alone (α-tocopherol acetate sold in pharmacies) will cause the destruction of its remaining components and is not beneficial to the human body. In pumpkin seeds, vitamin E is completely absorbed. Regular intake of this product can effectively restore and protect prostate cells.
  • Phytosterols (plant hormones), of which β-sitosterol is particularly important. This substance prevents the uncontrolled proliferation of prostate cells by inhibiting the activity of dihydrotestosterone.
  • Minerals: iron (in 100 grams, almost 100% of the daily value), copper, selenium, potassium, cobalt, zinc.
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (ω-6, linoleic acid, oleic acid).
  • Chlorophyll is a substance with remarkable antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regeneration (regeneration) properties. For bacterial prostatitis, it is taken in pill form.

Zinc is particularly important for the health of the prostate because it regulates the activity of dihydrotestosterone, which is a hormone that is affected by the start of prostate cell growth (hyperplasia development). The prostate contains more zinc than any other organ. Due to lack, the glandular cell membrane becomes fragile and local immunity is reduced.

Regular intake of pumpkin seeds can help prevent the deterioration of chronic prostatitis. The immune protection is enhanced at the cellular level, and the prostate tissue has once again gained the ability to resist the factors that cause inflammation. The seeds can also be used for prostate atrophy.


Pumpkin seeds should not be overused. This product has many contraindications:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Gallstones.
  3. Diarrhea of various causes. Pumpkin seeds have a mild laxative effect.
  4. Increased gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and increased acidity.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Personally intolerant.

If the early stool is slightly loose, pumpkin seeds should not be discarded. Digestion will return to normal soon.


Pumpkin seeds used for prostatitis can be used in many forms. The simplest recipe is to make 50 slices a day. The oil squeezed from them is also useful (not worth squeezing at home-it is labor-intensive and economically inconvenient). The most important thing is not to heat the seeds. Heating will deprive the product of most of its beneficial properties and convert some of them into toxins (as in the case of honey)-most vitamins will be lost and oils will oxidize.

Squash ball

Pumpkin balls are a healthy and easy-to-make dessert. Recipe:

  • Grind 500 grams of seeds;
  • Mix with 300 grams of honey (medium density);
  • Refrigerate until solid;
  • Roll into a cherry-sized ball.
Pumpkin Seed Honey Ball for Prostatitis

The produced candies are stored in the refrigerator. In order to prevent prostatitis and its treatment, you need to dissolve a ball in the morning on an empty stomach. The process continues until the last candy.

Pumpkin and honey sauce

Pumpkin and honey paste is a lazy variant of honey balls. When cooking, you also need to grind 500 grams of seeds, mix them with 300 grams of honey, and put them in the refrigerator. You can add nuts to the recipe.

Drink a teaspoon of pasta before breakfast and dinner. The course is 3-4 weeks.

Pumpkin powder

Pumpkin powder is made by grinding the seeds in a blender. In this form, the product is digested faster and easier to digest. Take one teaspoon before breakfast and dinner. The course is one and a half months.

Pumpkin powder is used to treat prostatitis

Pumpkin powder sticks to the oral mucosa, so it is inconvenient to use in pure form. It can be mixed with honey, milk and water in a ratio of 1: 1.

There is a special way to clean the body: Take two tablespoons of flour from pumpkin seeds and the same amount of kefir on an empty stomach for three weeks in the morning.


Taking garlic and pumpkin seeds (more information on using garlic to treat prostatitis) can solve several problems immediately:

  1. Improved prostate function.
  2. Purification of blood vessels.
  3. Get rid of worms.

Cooking method: Grind 200 grams of seeds and 6 cloves of garlic in a blender, and add two tablespoons of honey. Persist for 12 hours. Take one tablespoon every day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Contains vegetable oil

Pumpkin seed oil is not only good for prostatitis, but also effective for cleansing the liver.

Pumpkin seeds add oil can effectively prevent prostatitis

Cooking method:Grind 200 grams of pumpkin seeds, add 200 grams of olive, linseed or sesame oil, heat it in a water bath for a while, and then leave it for two hours. Three teaspoons a day for three weeks.


Pumpkin seed cake is suitable for fasting and is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of chronic prostatitis.Recipe:

  • Grind 100 grams of seeds in a blender, add 50 grams of cocoa powder and a teaspoon of sugar;
  • Stir until smooth;
  • Divide the obtained dough into 12 parts;
  • Form a cake and put it in the refrigerator.

During the treatment (12 days), you need to eat a flat cake in the morning on an empty stomach, and then stick to a vegetarian diet.

A mixture of normal urination

The mixture prepared according to the following formula has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic and analgesic effects. It is suitable for acute prostatitis.

You will need 100 grams of each of the following ingredients:

  1. Pumpkin seeds.
  2. Flax and hemp seeds.
  3. Blackberry leaves.
  4. Elder's flower, St. John's wort, linden tree.

Pour 50 grams of chamomile into the mixture. Pour 500ml of boiling water into four tablespoons and let stand for two hours. Divide the entire generated volume into four doses and drink alcohol during the day.

Recipe 2: Take a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, black poplar buds, rose hips, ginseng roots and asteraceae plants, pour 250 ml of boiling water, and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes (not boiling). The beverage is cooled and 100 ml of beverage is filtered twice a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.


Pumpkin seeds can be used not only to make desserts, but also to make healthy snacks. The menu for all forms of prostatitis includes salad with seeds.

Autumn salad


Salad autumn based on pumpkin seeds helps prevent prostatitis
  • 50 grams of raw carrots;
  • 50 grams of raw pumpkin pulp;
  • A tablespoon of pumpkin seeds;
  • One tablespoon of sour cream.

Chop the vegetables on a coarse grater, mix with the seeds, and season with sour cream.


For men with calculous prostatitis, spinach salad is not recommended. Ingredients:

  1. 50 grams each of pumpkin seeds, spinach, and parsley.
  2. A carrot.
  3. A clove of garlic.
  4. 20 grams of lemon juice.
  5. Tasting: rosemary, thyme.

Chop carrots, chop vegetables, and add seeds on a coarse grater. Mix lemon juice with rosemary, thyme and oil, let stand for 10 minutes, and season the salad.



  1. 600 grams of cooked beets.
  2. 50 grams of pumpkin seeds.
  3. 150 grams of sour cream.
  4. Two tablespoons of grated fresh horseradish.
  5. One teaspoon of cinnamon.
  6. Season with salt.

Cut beets into any thin slices and add seeds. Seasoning: Mix sour cream, horseradish, salt and cinnamon.

Beetroot salad with pumpkin seeds can prevent prostatitis

How to choose a seed

Features of high-quality pumpkin seeds suitable for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • raw (not fried);
  • No debris, stains, mold traces;
  • Not wet, it dries well;
  • No salt or other additives;
  • No peculiar smell.

Store the seeds in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator (fat oxidized at room temperature can damage the product). The maximum storage time is 2 months.

Doctor's comment

Doctors believe that pumpkin seeds are a useful product, and its medicinal properties are not only suitable for treating prostatitis. The substances contained in the seeds maintain the tone of blood vessels and skin, enhance the body's immune defense capabilities, and prevent high blood pressure.

Experts especially emphasized the amino acid L-arginine, which is essential for the production of nitric oxide. The substance relaxes the blood vessel walls and enlarges the lumen of the channel. For men, this means good blood circulation and a confident erection. The L-arginine content in pumpkin seeds is higher than that in veal or milk (a recognized leader in the amino acid content).

For prostatitis, doctors usually prescribe pumpkin seed oil preparations: suppositories and capsules. Such funds have obvious anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

Men's reviews

"I regularly eat pumpkin seeds to enhance my health and prevent prostatitis. I have loved them since I was a child, so it is obvious that I do not suffer from prostatitis like most of my colleagues. "

"A doctor recommended me pumpkin seeds mixed with honey. He is treating me because it will worsen chronic prostatitis. I immediately cancelled other vitamin complexes. He said that receiving the seeds at the same time threatens high vitaminsI have taken the mixture for a month and now I have not noticed the symptoms of prostatitis after six months. Now, I am starting a new prevention course. ”


Pumpkin seeds are a valuable product, but they should be consumed in doses. If there is severe prolonged diarrhea, the individual is intolerant in the form of a rash, treatment should be stopped. In the absence of a negative reaction from the human body, pumpkin seed oil can be used instead of seeds, because the nutrients in pumpkin seed oil are much higher.